Category: Studio Visits

Studio Visit with Diana Al-Hadid

Diana Al-Hadid is a large-scale sculpture artist whose work is heavily inspired by those of the past. Overall, Diana’s talk sheds led light on the artist’s process and…

Studio Visit with Hasan Elahi

Out of all the interviews we have participated in so far, I would say that Hasan Elahi’s generated the most engaging and thought-provoking dialogue. Elahi is a media…

Studio Visit with Merrill Wagner

Merril Wagner is an abstract artist who is now retired from art making. When we met with her today over Zoom, her studio manager Lilly Pendry joined us…

Studio Visit with Leonardo Drew

Drew is an abstract sculptural artist whose work and process differ from the artists we have met with prior. Rather than drawing on his personal experiences, his visual…

Studio Visit with Brie Ruais

Today we virutally visited Brie Ruais in her Brooklyn studio.  Ruais is a sculpture artist whose works emulate those of performance art and investigates aesthetic relationships. Beginning with…
